Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor – Department of Geography and Planning
Associate Director – Mobilizing Justice Partnership
University of Toronto (UofT)
Latest news

Academic milestone! (October 2024)
I’m deeply grateful to share that my academic work has reached 1,000 citations. While this is just a number, it reflects a journey of personal growth and the privilege of working with incredible mentors, colleagues, and students who have shaped and inspired me along the way.
This milestone is a testament to the collective effort that drives research forward. Thank you to everyone who has supported and challenged me in this work—Excited to keep building connections and advancing knowledge together!

Joined the WSTLUR Board
I’m excited to announce that I have joined the board of the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR) as a regular member, serving a six-year term from 2024 to 2030. In the picture, I’m participating in the TransMiCable technical visit at the 2024 WSTLUR conference in Bogotá, Colombia.

Presentation at NECTAR Conference (July 2024)
I participated in the 17th NECTAR Conference, held from July 3–5, 2024, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels, Belgium. I presented our work with my colleagues Matthew Palm and Steven Farber titled “The Community and Equity Advisory Table (CEAT): Creating Meaningful Community Engagement within the Mobilizing Justice Partnership.”

Presentation at Utrecht University (July 2024)
I was invited by my good friend and colleague Jaime Soza-Parra to give a presentation about the Mobilizing Justice Partnership in a Transportation Seminar in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University on July 1st, 2024.

Exciting work updates! (July 2024)
I’m thrilled to announce that I have begun working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge and making meaningful contributions in this new role and stage of my academic career!
About me
I hold a Ph.D. in transportation engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). During 2018-2019, I was a postgraduate researcher at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. During 2020-2021, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS).
From 2021 to 2024, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Human Geography, University of Toronto. I worked as the research coordinator of the Suburban Mobilities Cluster (SuMo) and Mobilizing Justice Partnership (MJ), and I served as Acting Director of MJ from January to July 2024.
Currently, I’m an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. Additionally, I’m Associate Director of the Mobilizing Justice Partnership.

My research interests encompass a wide range of topics associated with transport and land use dynamics in urban and suburban areas, particularly:
(i) geospatial analytics of transport systems, particularly public transport considering system performance, travel behaviour and user experiences,
(ii) transport equity and the distribution of transport-related benefits and burdens across space for different population groups, and
(iii) sustainable transport and urban space allocation policies considering new mobility trends
This work is achieved through multi-sourced data and several methods, including statistical analyses, econometric modelling and machine learning techniques, GIS-based approaches, and mixed (quantitative + qualitative) methods.
Experience with
2023 Winner of the most intriguing presentation – University of Toronto Scarborough Postdoc Palooza Research Day
2021 Honorable mention – Ph.D. Dissertation Award by the Transportation Geography Specialty Group (TGSG) of the American Association of Geographers (AAG)
2021 Award winner (Ex Aequo) – Cátedra Abertis International Award (Best Ph.D. thesis in the “Transportation services and infrastructure management” category)
2021 Award winner (Ex Aequo) – Cátedra Abertis Chile Award (Best Ph.D. thesis in the “Transportation services and infrastructure management” category)
2020 Nominee for Industrial and Transportation Engineering area – Excellence Award in Ph.D. Thesis, PUC
2018 Study Visit Grant – Volvo Research Foundation (VREF)
2018 Ph.D. Scholarship, Conicyt Chile (2018-2020)
2018 Honorable Mention – Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship by the World Resources Institute (WRI)
2018 Best teaching assistant – Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, PUC
2016 Ph.D. Scholarship, School of Engineering PUC (2016-2017)
2015 Top 15% of Engineering graduates
2015 Honorable Mention – Architecture and landscaping public contest (Mapocho – La Chimba)
2014 Highest distinction on bachelor’s degree
2013 Grant winner – Undergraduate Research Winter Competition of the Research Vice-Rectory, PUC
Since 2024: Member of the Data Science Institute, University of Toronto
Since 2024: Regular board member of the World Symposium of Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR)
Since 2024: Associate Graduate Faculty Membership in the Graduate Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto
Since 2024: Member of the Sustainability and Equity Committee – Canadian Transport Research Forum (CTRF)
Since 2023: Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Transport Geography
Since 2023: Member of the “Education, Equity and Inclusion in Transportation” Committee – Pan American Society of Transportation Research (PANAM)
Since 2022: Member of the Urbanism and Human Settlements Committee, Conicyt Chile (ANID) (https://anid.cl)
2022-2023: Co-leader of the Urban Equality & Inclusion Cluster – Mobility Network (University of Toronto) (https://www.mobilitynetwork.utoronto.ca/)
Since 2021: Member of the Spatial Analysis of Urban Systems Lab (https://sausy.ca/)
Since 2021: Member of the Mobilizing Justice Partnership (https://mobilizingjustice.ca/)
Since 2021: Member of the Chilean Society of Transportation Engineering (SOCHITRAN) (https://sochitran.cl/)
Since 2019: Member of the Latin American branch of the International Network for Transport and Accessibility in Low-Income Communities (INTALInC LAC) (https://intalinc-lac.com/)
Since 2015: Research Associate at Social Change Laboratory (Cambiarnos) (http://cambiarnos.cl)
More than 60 peer-reviewed papers in the past five years in the following journals:
- Journal of Transport Geography
- Case studies of Transport policy
- Transportation Research Part A
- Transport Reviews
- Transport Policy
- Journal of Transport and Land Use
- Transportation Research Part D
- Transportation
- International Journal of Sustainable Transport
- Journal of Transport & Health
- Habitat International
- Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Journal of Public Transportation
- Journal of Urban Mobility
- Transportation Research Record
- Research in Transportation Business and Management
- Applied Geography
- Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
- Nature Cities
- Journal of Planning Literature
- Estudios de Transporte
- Journal of Geographical Systems
Also, I have reviewed for different transport-related conferences:
- International Conference of Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)
- Transportation Research Board (TRB)
- World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR)
- World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR)
- Congreso Chileno de Transporte (CCHIT)
- Congreso Panamericano de Transporte (PANAM)
Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (2016-2020)
Department of Transportation Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Supervisors: Juan Carlos Muñoz, Ph.D. Berkeley & Ricardo Hurtubia, Ph.D EPFL
Postgraduate Researcher (2018-2019)
Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds Supervisor: Karen Lucas, Ph.D. Greenwich
Professional Diploma (2014-2016)
Department of Transportation Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Bachelor Degree (2010-2014)
School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Academic experience

Assistant Professor (2024 to date)
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto -
Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2024)
Department of Human Geography
University of Toronto Scarborough
Research coordinator
Mobilizing Justice Partnership (2023-2024)
Suburban Mobilities Cluster (2021-2023) -
Postdoctoral Fellow (2020-2021)
Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics
Center for Urban Sustainable Development
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Teaching experience

Planning Methods II (PLA1105)
Winter 2025
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto -
Introductory Analytical Methods (GGR270)
Fall 2024
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto -
Introduction to Programming in GIS (GGR375)
Fall 2024
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto -
Transportation Geography (GGRC12)
Winter 2024
Department of Human Geography
University of Toronto Scarborough
Urban Land Use and Transport Policies (PPH2017)
Fall 2023
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
University of Toronto -
Suburban Mobilities (GGRD12)
Summer 2022
Department of Human Geography
University of Toronto -
Transportation and Urban Form (JPG1554)
Winter 2022
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto -
Capstone Transport Engineering (ICT2154)
Fall 2021 and 2020
Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto
(July 2024 to date)
GGR270 – Introductory Analytical Methods (Fall)
- Theory and practical application of elementary quantitative techniques in geography emphasizing descriptive, inferential and spatial statistical analysis, probability, and sampling.
- In addition to learning these new analytical methods, students will learn ways to interpret and communicate their findings – an integral part of engaging in the discipline.
GGR375 – Introduction to Programming in GIS (Fall)
- Fundamentals of programming, followed by an applied focus on using these skills in geographic information systems. Students learn how to programmatically edit spatial data, automate common processes, and conduct complex spatial analyses.
- The course will emphasize open-source software that enriches geospatial data analysis alongside the data processing and analytical capabilities of existing GIS software.
PLA1105 – Planning Methods II (Winter)
- Hands-on introduction to the types of quantitative data/information that urban, regional/provincial, and community planners, policymakers, practitioners, and activists most often engage with when making decisions and taking action.
- This is a technical skills-building, action-based, lab course. The class is organized into four distinct modules, effectively four miniature courses. Each three-week module covers a specific domain: GIS, finance/budgeting, economics and demographics, and statistics/data analytics.
Department of Transportation Engineering and Logistics
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(August 2020 to December 2021)
Lecturer along with Dr. Felipe Delgado – ICT2154 Transportation Engineering Workshop (Fall 2020 and Fall 2021)
- This is an undergraduate capstone course for the Transportation Systems Major. Students must integrate and apply knowledge and skills obtained in curriculum minimum courses, working with a real-world project carried out in collaborative teams.
- In order to provide the necessary tools for spatial analysis, I conducted two workshops on GIS and data analysis for transport applications. This geographic approach complemented travel demand and traffic modelling skills for two of the four project assignments.
Lecturer and course designer – ICT3800 Transport and social justice (Spring 2021)
- This graduate course provides a theoretical-conceptual and practical knowledge of the relationship between transportation and social justice. It focuses on how mobility and its interrelationship with sociodemographic characteristics influence the reproduction of spatial and social inequalities in the city.
- In order to provide the necessary tools for spatial analysis, I conducted two workshops on GIS and data analysis for transport applications. The final term assignment included spatial and accessibility analyses in collaborative teams under my supervision.
Secondary lecturer of SUS2041: Action Research: methods to understand places in transformation led by Dr. Lake Sagaris and Dr. Beatriz Mella (Spring 2021)
Sustainability Institute
- 2nd-year course where students learn the basic principles of critical thinking and relevant methods that contribute towards sustainability transitions
- Responsible for a lecture about mixed methods research
- Advisor for the term project
University of Toronto
(January 2022 to April 2024)
Lecturer – GGRC12 Transportation Geography (Winter 2024)
Department of Human Geography
- This undergraduate course explores geographical perspectives on the development and functioning of transportation systems, interactions between transportation and land use, and costs and benefits associated with transportation systems, including mobility, accessibility, congestion, pollution, and livability.
- The students analyze transport and land use data using geographic information systems (GIS) in order to characterize urban travel behaviour, transportation networks and flows, and compute measurements of accessibility.
Lecturer and course designer – PPH2017 Urban land use and transport policies (Fall 2023)
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
- This master-level course introduces students to a wide range of topics in transportation and land use research and policies. Topics include but are not limited to 15-minute cities, transit-oriented development, complete streets, congestion pricing, parking, inclusive transport policies for equity-deserving groups, emerging mobility technologies, climate change, among others.
- The students prepare a final assignment comparing transport and land use policies from three different continents, highlighting the importance of knowing other realities and alternative solutions to our problems.
Lecturer and course designer – GGRD12 Seminar in Selected Topics in Human Geography (Topic: Suburban Mobilities) (Summer 2022)
Department of Human Geography
- This undergraduate course will introduce students to the urban and transportation dynamics observed in suburban areas, including gross inequalities in mobility, health outcomes, access to opportunities, and exposure to transport externalities such as congestion, pollution, and traffic deaths.
- The students expose themselves to qualitative experiences through travel fieldnotes and quantitative assignments by analyzing survey data.
Lecturer – JPG1554 Transportation and Urban Form (Winter 2022)
Department of Geography and Planning
- This graduate course provides graduate students with a foundation in urban transportation topics and methods of analysis. It examines the research and the planning strategies that seek to influence travel through coordinated transport investment and land use policies.
- The students prepare a skills workshop to perform different geographic data analyses, including the creation of ArcGIS network datasets, calculating cumulative opportunities accessibility scores, geocoding and creating service areas, doing areal apportionment or computing origin destination matrices.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Transportation Engineering and Logistics
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(July 2020 to March 2021)
Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS) (https://www.cedeus.cl/)
Researcher under the “Complete Streets: An essential strategy to improve the sustainability and justice of transport in Chile” project led by Dr. Juan Carlos Muñoz
- Collaboration with members of the Accessibility and Mobility cluster
- Participation in two big projects: (i) streets transformations during COVID-19 in Latin American cities and (ii) mobility of care in Chile pre and during COVID-19
Associate Director
Mobilizing Justice Partnership
SSHRC Partnership Grant (based at the UTSC)
(July 2024 to date)
Mobilizing Justice (MJ) (https://mobilizingjustice.ca/) is an unprecedented multidisciplinary and multi-sector partnership that will build sustainable connections for research and knowledge exchange to solve transportation poverty problems in Canadian cities and mobilize findings into action. It is funded by the Partnership Grants of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Council of Canada (500,000 CAD per year)
- Contribute to strategic planning and decision-making within the MJ central team.
- Oversee, support and orient the new postdoc who will perform RC duties.
- Contribute to the blueprint project under T3 as one of the MJ leads.
- Lead research work using the A1 National Survey.
Course designer
Department of Transportation Engineering and Logistics
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(March to July 2016)
Design process, develop learning activities, create material, and manage the course ICT2154 Transportation Engineering Workshop
- This is an undergraduate capstone course for the Transportation Systems Major. Students must integrate and apply knowledge and skills obtained in curriculum minimum courses, mainly related to transport demand and traffic modelling. Students work with a real-world project carried out in collaborative teams.
- Responsible for aligning goals and learning objectives with evaluative and methodological strategies
- Lead author of an article presented at the 30th conference of the Chilean Society of Engineering Education (SOCHEDI). This article describes the design process and how it contributes to the development of cross-cutting skills through a multidisciplinary approach while meeting the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) guidelines and requirements.
Acting Director
Mobilizing Justice Partnership
SSHRC Partnership Grant (based at the UTSC)
(January to July 2024)
- Responsible for leading and coordinating the partnership, including the project leadership committee and the Community and Equity Advisory Table (CEAT)
- Responsible for external relationships with researchers and partners
Teaching Assistant
Department of Transportation Engineering and Logistics
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(August 2013 to July 2018)
Evaluate, conduct classes and labs, guide projects, and help in course management, evaluation, and feedback for reports, essays, and oral presentations, given the communicational skills of the applicant
- Economics and Location Choice Models (2016-II)
- Transportation Engineering Workshop (2016-II, 2017-I, 2017-II)
- Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (2015-II, 2016-I, 2016-II, 2017-I, 2017-II, 2018-I)
- Travel Demand Modelling (2015-II)
- Public Transportation (2015-II)
- Transportation Systems Engineering (2015-I)
- Transportation Externalities (2015-I)
- Cycle-inclusive cities: planning, participation, and design (2015-I)
- Inclusive cities: Public transport & cycling, an intermodal approach (2015-I)
- Transportation Economics (2014-I, 2013-II)
Research Coordinator
Mobilizing Justice Partnership
SSHRC Partnership Grant (based at the UTSC)
(July 2023 to December 2023)
- Responsible for coordinating the six Working Groups of the partnership, which deal with data collection, data-driven standards, prioritizing modes and population groups, evaluating pilots and equitable transport planning. Activities include direct research participation, supervision and coordination between members, as well as knowledge mobilization and events.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Human Geography
University of Toronto Scarborough
(April 2021 to June 2024)
Co-leader of the Urban Equality & Inclusion Cluster
Mobility Network (MN) led by Dr. Eric Miller (https://www.mobilitynetwork.utoronto.ca/)
- Strategic initiative to group mobility researchers from across University of Toronto along with a network of partners, community, industry and government.
- Responsible for attending meetings, organizing a research agenda and events that connect the different clusters in MN
Member of the Spatial Analysis of Urban Systems Lab led by Dr. Michael Widener and Dr. Steven Farber (http://sausy.ca/)
- The SAUSy Lab is a collaborative research lab that uses advanced spatial analysis and Geographic Data Science to understand how cities affect society in the 21st century. Current research projects are focused on issues of accessibility, transportation, urban health, social interaction, and food environments.
- Responsible for several research outputs, partnered projects and student supervision under SuMo, MN and MJ.
Research Coordinator
Suburban Mobilities Cluster (SuMo)
University of Toronto Scarborough
(April 2021 to June 2024)
Suburban Mobilities Cluster (SuMo)
SuMo of Scholarly Prominence (https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/suburban-mobilities/) led by Dr. Steven Farber
- Multidisciplinary research program that draws on expertise across nine disciplines to tackle four suburban mobility challenges: suburban inequalities, transportation design and technology, climate change, and resilience to shocks.
- Responsible of managing 200,000 CAD per year. Funded by the Clusters of Scholarly Prominence Program (CSPP), Office of the Vice-Principal Research & Innovation, University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC).
- Responsible for coordinating and/or developing seven main projects: Complete Streets, Complete Communities, Accessibility and the 15-minute city, The Scarborough Survey, Cycling Potential Toronto, Newcomers Access, Active Transport and Older Adults.

Department of Human Geography
University of Toronto Scarborough
(May to August 2022 & January to April 2024)
Summer 2002 – Lecturer of GGRD12 Seminar in Selected Topics in Human Geography (Topic: Suburban Mobilities: This undergraduate course will introduce students to the urban and transportation dynamics observed in suburban areas, including gross inequalities in mobility, health outcomes, access to opportunities, and exposure to transport externalities such as congestion, pollution, and traffic deaths.
Winter 2024 – Lecturer of GGRC12 Transportation Geography: This course explores geographical perspectives on the development and functioning of transportation systems, interactions between transportation and land use, and costs and benefits associated with transportation systems, including mobility, accessibility, congestion, pollution, and livability.
Department of Geography and Planning (January to April 2022)
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy (Sept to Dec, 2023)
University of Toronto
Winter 2022 – Lecturer of JPG1554H Transportation and Urban Form: This graduate course provides graduate students with a foundation in urban transportation topics and methods of analysis and examines the research and the planning strategies that seek to influence travel through coordinated transport investment and land use policies, with a particular emphasis on justice and equity in transportation.
Fall 2023 – Lecturer and course designer of PPH2017H Urban land use and transport policies: This master-level course introduces students to a wide range of topics in transportation and land use research and policies. Topics include but are not limited to 15-minute cities, transit-oriented development, complete streets, congestion pricing, parking, inclusive transport policies for equity-deserving groups, emerging mobility technologies, climate change, among others

Postdoctoral Researcher – Research Coordinator
Department of Human Geography
University of Toronto Scarborough
(April 2021 to date)
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Human Geography, University of Toronto Scarborough
January to July 2024 | Acting Director of the Mobilizing Justice Partnership (https://mobilizingjustice.ca/) · Mobilizing Justice is an unprecedented multidisciplinary and multi-sector partnership that will build sustainable connections for research and knowledge exchange to solve transportation poverty problems in Canadian cities and mobilize findings into action. · Funded by the Partnership Grants of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Council of Canada (500,000 CAD per year) |
July 2023 to date | Research Coordinator of the Mobilizing Justice Partnership led by Dr. Steven Farber (https://mobilizingjustice.ca/) |
July 2022 to July 2023 | Co-leader of the Urban Equality & Inclusion Cluster of the Mobility Network led by Dr. Eric Miller (https://www.mobilitynetwork.utoronto.ca/) · Strategic initiative to group mobility researchers from across University of Toronto along with a network of partners, community, industry and government. |
April 2021 to June 2023 | Research Coordinator of the Suburban Mobilities Cluster of Scholarly Prominence (https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/suburban-mobilities/) led by Dr. Steven Farber · Multidisciplinary research program that draws on expertise across nine disciplines to tackle four suburban mobility challenges: suburban inequalities, transportation design and technology, climate change, and resilience to shocks. · Management of 200,000 CAD per year. Funded by the Clusters of Scholarly Prominence Program (CSPP), Office of the Vice-Principal Research & Innovation, University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). |
April 2021 to date | Member of the Spatial Analysis of Urban Systems Lab led by Dr. Michael Widener and Dr. Steven Farber (http://sausy.ca/) |
Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics & Sustainability Institute, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(August 2020 to December 2021)
Fall 2020 and 2021 – Instructor of “ICT2154 Transportation Engineering Workshop”: Capstone course of the Transportation Systems Major, where students have to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills obtained in basic undergraduate transportation courses.
Spring 2021 – Instructor of “ICT3800 Transport and social justice”: Postgraduate course where students got theoretical-conceptual-practical knowledge about mobility justice and transport equity.
Spring 2021 – Guest instructor of “SUS2041: Action Research: methods to understand places in transformation”: 2nd year course where students learn the basic principles of critical thinking and relevant methods that contribute towards sustainability transitions

Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics & Sustainability Institute, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(August 2020 to December 2021)
Fall 2020 and 2021 – Instructor of “ICT2154 Transportation Engineering Workshop”: Capstone course of the Transportation Systems Major, where students have to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills obtained in basic undergraduate transportation courses.
Spring 2021 – Instructor of “ICT3800 Transport and social justice”: Postgraduate course where students got theoretical-conceptual-practical knowledge about mobility justice and transport equity.
Spring 2021 – Guest instructor of “SUS2041: Action Research: methods to understand places in transformation”: 2nd year course where students learn the basic principles of critical thinking and relevant methods that contribute towards sustainability transitions

Postdoctoral Researcher
Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS)
(July 2020 to March 2021)
Postdoctoral Fellow within the ‘Accessibility and Mobility’ research cluster, under the supervision of Professor Juan Carlos Muñoz.
In particular, I participate in one of the 5 projects of the center, which focuses on the study and promotion of complete streets as an essential strategy to improve the sustainability and justice of transport in Chile.
The Center receives funding from the FONDAP program of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), part of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of the Government of Chile.
Research Associate
Social Change Laboratory (Lab Cambiarnos)
(March 2015 to date)
Research associate and collaborator of projects contributing to transport justice and sustainable transport.
The research laboratory promotes collaboration bridge between university, public sector and the community. The laboratory develop research projects through participatory-action related to civic culture, mobility and sustainable urban development.
It receives financing from the Center for Urban Sustainable Development (CEDEUS) and the Centre of Excellence of Bus Rapid Transit (CoE BRT+).

Research Associate
Social Change Laboratory (Lab Cambiarnos)
(March 2015 to date)
Research associate and collaborator of projects contributing to transport justice and sustainable transport.
The research laboratory promotes collaboration bridge between university, public sector and the community. The laboratory develop research projects through participatory-action related to civic culture, mobility and sustainable urban development.
It receives financing from the Center for Urban Sustainable Development (CEDEUS) and the Centre of Excellence of Bus Rapid Transit (CoE BRT+).

Advisor Undergraduate Research Program
School of Engineering, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile
(October 2017 to January 2019)
Supervisor of two undergraduate students of the Transportation and Logistics Department, along with Professor Juan Carlos Muñoz, on the topic ‘Transport-related inequalities among socioeconomic groups in Santiago, Chile’
- Poster session in the Transportation Research Board (January 2019, Washington D.C) and ISI article in Transportation Research Record.
Associate Instructor
Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(March to July, 2016)
Design process, develop learning activities, create material, and manage the course “ICT2154 Transportation Engineering Workshop”.
Capstone course of the Transportation Systems Major, where students have to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills obtained in basic undergraduate transportation courses.

Associate Instructor
Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(March to July, 2016)
Design process, develop learning activities, create material, and manage the course “ICT2154 Transportation Engineering Workshop”.
Capstone course of the Transportation Systems Major, where students have to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills obtained in basic undergraduate transportation courses.

Teaching Assistant
Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(August 2013 to July 2018)
The tasks performed included evaluate, conduct classes, guide projects, course management, evaluation and feedback for reports, essays, and oral presentations, given the communicational skills of the applicant. The list of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses and their respective year-semester can be found below.
- Economics and Location Choice Models (2016-II)
- Transportation Externalities (2015-I)
- Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (2015-II, 2016-I, 2016-II, 2017-I, 2017-II, 2018-I)
- Travel Demand Modeling (2015-II)
- Public Transportation (2015-II)
- Transportation Systems Engineering (2015-I)
- Transportation Engineering Workshop (2016-II, 2017-I, 2017-II)
- Cycle-inclusive cities: planning, participation, and design (2015-I)
- Inclusive cities: Public transportation & bicycles, an intermodal approach (2015-I)
- Transportation Economics (2013-II, 2014-I)
Professional Internship
Notus SPA (Spin-off DICTUC S.A.)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(September to December, 2014)
Notus SPA generates a technological change in companies management by implementing solutions based on simulation and optimization models.
I performed two main tasks:
• Exploring and applying AnyLogic and SimPy simulation software (Python simulation library)
• Initial development of user interface and executables in Python

Professional Internship
Notus SPA (Spin-off DICTUC S.A.)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(September to December, 2014)
Notus SPA generates a technological change in companies management by implementing solutions based on simulation and optimization models.
I performed two main tasks:
• Exploring and applying AnyLogic and SimPy simulation software (Python simulation library)
• Initial development of user interface and executables in Python
Uncovering gender-based violence and harassment in public transport: Lessons for spatial and transport justice
Tiznado-Aitken, I., Guerrero, T.E., & Sagaris, L. (2024).
Journal of Transport Geography, 114, 103766.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819822-3.00011-0
A web-based tool to incorporate social equity in infrastructure planning and delivery
LeClair, K., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Klumpenhouwer, W. & Farber, S. (2023). Case Studies on Transport Policy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101068
A bumpy ride: quality standards, institutional limitations and inequalities affecting cycling infrastructure
Tiznado-Aitken, I., Mora-Vega, R.,
Oyarzún, G., Vergara, J. & Vecchio, G. (2022).
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103210
Freedom of choice? Social and spatial disparities on combined housing and transport affordability
Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2022)
Transport Policy 122 (Special Issue), 39-53.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.04.005
Inequalities of extreme commuting across Canada
Allen, J., Palm, M., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Farber, S. (2022). Travel Behaviour and Society, 29, 42-52.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2022.05.005
Public transport accessibility accounting for level of service and competition for urban opportunities:
An equity analysis for education in Santiago de Chile
Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2021)
Journal of Transport Geography, 90, 102919
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102919
Understanding accessibility through public transport users’ experiences: A mixed methods approach
Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2020)
Journal of Transport Geography, 88, 102857
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102857
Using PAR to frame research and action on transport justice:
A pilot experience in two contrasting Chilean cities
Sagaris, L., Berrios, E. & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2020)
Journal of Transport Geography 83 (Special Issue).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102654
Transport and equity in Latin America:
A critical review of socially oriented accessibility assessments
Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Hurtubia, R. (2020)
Transport Reviews, 1-28.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2020.1711828
How uneven is the playing field? An analysis of transport-related inequalities among socioeconomic groups in Santiago, Chile
Iglesias, V., Giraldez, F., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Muñoz, J.C. (2019)
Transportation Research Record, 2673 (11), 59-70.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198119849588
[W26] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Guerrero, T.E., & Sagaris, L. (2024). Uncovering gender-based violence and harassment in public transport: Lessons for spatial and transport justice. Journal of Transport Geography, 114, 103766. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2023.103766
[W25] Tiznado Aitken, I., Vecchio, G., Mora, R., Gonzalez, L., & Marshall, C. (2023). Planning for accessibility: the divide between research and policy in the promotion of equitable mobility. Area Development and Policy, 1-23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23792949.2023.2261530
[W24] Soza-Parra, J., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Muñoz, J. C. (2023). A discrete-event public transportation simulation model to evaluate travel demand management impacts on waiting times and crowding conditions. Journal of Public Transportation, 25, 100075. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubtr.2023.100075
[W23] Yousefzadeh Barri, E., Farber, S., Jahanshahi, H., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Beyazit, E. (2023). Exploring the joint impacts of income, car ownership, and built environment on daily activity patterns: a cluster analysis of trip chains. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23249935.2023.2236235
[W22] LeClair, K., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Klumpenhouwer, W. & Farber, S. (2023). A web-based tool to incorporate social equity in infrastructure planning and delivery. Case Studies on Transport Policy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101068
[W21] Tabascio, A., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Harris, D. & Farber, S. (2023). Assessing the potential of cycling growth in Toronto, Canada. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2023.2196264
[W20] Voorheis, P., Hasnain, S.M., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Widener, M., & Silver, M. (2023). Understanding and supporting active travel in older adults using behavioural science: Systematic scoping review and strategic behavioural analysis. Journal of Transport and Health, 30, 101602. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2023.101602
[W19] Zhang, Y., Farber, S., Young, M., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Ross, T. (2023). Exploring travel patterns of people with disabilities: A multilevel analysis of accessible taxi trips in Toronto, Canada. Travel Behaviour and Society, 32, 100575. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100575
[W18] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Vecchio, G., Guzman, L.A., Arellana, J., Humberto, M., Vasconcellos, E. & Muñoz, J.C. (2023). Unequal periurban mobility: Travel patterns, modal choices and urban core dependence in Latin America. Habitat International, 133. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102752
[W17] Sagaris, L. & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). New horizons for sustainable transport planning: An analysis of seven years of gender-related research in Chile. Journal of Transport and Health, 28, 101544. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2022.101544
[W16] Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Castillo, B., & Steiniger, S. (2022). Fair transport policies for older people: accessibility and affordability of public transport in Santiago, Chile. Transportation, 1-27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-022-10346-0
[W15] Palm, M., Allen, J., Zhang, Y., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Batomen, B., Farber, S. & Widener, M. (2022). Shifting attitudes towards public transit and auto ownership among transit riders during COVID-19. Transportation, 1- 27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-022-10344-2
[W14] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Mora-Vega, R., Oyarzún, G., Vergara, J. & Vecchio, G. (2022). A bumpy ride: quality standards, institutional limitations and inequalities affecting cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
[W13] Allen, J., Palm, M., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Farber, S. (2022). Inequalities of extreme commuting across Canada. Travel Behaviour and Society, 29, 42-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2022.05.005
[W12] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2022). Freedom of choice? Social and spatial disparities on combined housing and transport affordability. Transport Policy 122 (Special Issue), 39-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.04.005
[W11] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Fuenzalida-Izquierdo, J., Sagaris, L., & Mora, R. (2021). Using the five Ws to explore bikeshare equity in Santiago, Chile. Journal of Transport Geography, 97 (Special Issue). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103210
[W10] Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Mora-Vega, R. (2021). Pandemic-related streets transformations: accelerating sustainable mobility transitions in Latin America. Case Studies on Transport Policy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2021.10.002
[W9] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C & Hurtubia, R. (2021). Public transport accessibility accounting for level of service and competition for urban opportunities: an equity analysis for education in Santiago de Chile. Journal of Transport Geography, 90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102919
[W8] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2020). Understanding accessibility through public transport users’ experiences: A mixed methods approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102857
[W7] Vecchio, G., & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2020). (Im)Mobility and Health in Santiago de Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography. JLAG Perspectives Forum: COVID-19 in Latin America. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/lag.0.0153
[W6] Sagaris, L., Berrios, E. & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2020). Using PAR to frame research and action on transport justice, A pilot experience in two contrasting Chilean cities. Journal of Transport Geography, 83 (Special Issue). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102654
[W5] Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Hurtubia, R. (2020). Transport and equity in Latin America: a critical review of socially oriented accessibility assessments. Transport Reviews, 1-28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2020.1711828
[W4] Iglesias, V., Giraldez, F., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Muñoz, J.C. (2019). How uneven is the playing field? An analysis of transport-related inequalities among socioeconomic groups in Santiago, Chile. Transportation Research Record, 2673 (11), 59-70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198119849588
[W3] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J. C., & Hurtubia, R. (2018). The role of accessibility to public transport and quality of the walking environment on urban equity: the case of Santiago de Chile. Transportation Research Record, 2672(35), 129-138. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198118782036
[W2] Sagaris, L., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Steiniger, S. (2017). Exploring the social and spatial potential of an intermodal approach to transport planning. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(10), 721-736. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2017.1312645
[W1] Tiznado, I., Galilea, P., Delgado, F., & Niehaus, M. (2014). Incentive schemes for bus drivers: The case of the public transit system in Santiago, Chile. Research in Transportation Economics, 48, 77-83. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.retrec.2014.09.034
[B5] Hurtubia, R., Muñoz, J.C., Tironi, M., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Yasik, M. (2022). La industria del delivery y sus impactos urbanos: desafíos y oportunidades. Capítulo 1, Libro Propuestas para Chile 2021, XVI Versión. Centro de Políticas Públicas UC. Available at: https://politicaspublicas.uc.cl/publicacion/propuestas-para-chile-2021/
[B4] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J. C., & Hurtubia, R. (2021). Who gains in a distance-based public transport fare scheme? Accessibility, urban form and equity implications in Santiago de Chile. Urban Form and Accessibility: Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts. Elsevier, 1st edition. ISBN: 9780128198223. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819822-3.00011-0
[B3] Sagaris, L. & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2020). Sustainable transport and gender equity: Insights from Santiago Chile. In: Urban Mobility and Social Equity in Latin America: Evidence, Concepts, Methods Transport and Sustainability, Volume 12, 103–129. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN: 2044-9941. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/s2044-994120200000012009
[B2] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C. and Hurtubia, R. (2018) Accesibilidad a oportunidades mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del entorno urbano y el nivel de servicio, in Intersecciones 2016, II Congreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Arquitectura, Diseño, Ciudad y Territorio, ARQ Ediciones, pp. 134-148
[B1] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2017). How equitable is access to opportunities and basic services considering the impact of the level of service? The case of Santiago, Chile. Income Inequality, Social Inclusion and Mobility. Roundtable Report 164, pp. 79-104.
[O19] Lyeo, J. S., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Farber, S., Brown, H. K., & Spence, N. (2023). Predictors of transportation- related barriers to healthcare access in a North American suburb. Journal of Public Health, 1-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-023-01916-2
[O18] Blandin, L., Vecchio, G., Hurtubia, R. & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Car dependency in the urban margins: the influence of perceived accessibility on mode choice. Open Science Framework. Available at: https://osf.io/dk2mb
[O17] Muñoz, J.C., Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Guzmán, L.A., Arellana, J. & Guimaraes, T. (2023). Transporte y equidad: Abordando la accesibilidad en los márgenes urbanos. Documento N°17, Centro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para América Latina (CODS).
[O16] Soukhov, A., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Moghadasi, M., Palm, M., Farber, S. & Paez, A. (2022). Equity and justice conceptualizations, dimensions and standards for urban transportation planning: a scoping review protocol. Open Science Framework. Available at: https://osf.io/nfcx3/
[O15] Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Albornoz, C., & Tironi, M. (2022). Delivery workers and the interplay of digital and mobility (in)justice. Digital Geography and Society, 3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diggeo.2022.100036
[O14] Higgins, C., Farber, S., Shalaby, A., Nurul, K., Miller, E., Brail, S., Widener, M., Diamond, S., Páez, A., Zhang, B., Zhang, Y., Palm, M. & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2021). An Integrated Approach to Transit System Evolution. University of Toronto, Transportation Research Institute.
[O13] Carrasco, J., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Vecchio, G., Sagaris, L., Álvarez, M., Ríos, R. et.al. (2021). “Movilidad del Cuidado”: Dinámicas de movilidad e inmovilidad de cuidadoras/es y sujetos de cuidado en territorios vulnerables en contexto de pandemia. Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable.
[O12] Vecchio, G., Mora, R., Tiznado-Aitken, I., (2021). Calles y movilidad sustentable en pandamia: experiencias y aprendizajes de cinco ciudades latinoamericanas. Documento para Política Pública Nº25. Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable, Santiago.
[O11] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Larraín Videla, C. (2021). Análisis de los criterios para definir áreas de integración urbana en Chile. Revista de Urbanismo, 45, 142-162. https://doi.org/10.5354/0717-5051.2021.61402
[O10] (Collaborator from Chile) Willberg, E., Tenkanen, H., Poom, A., Salonen, M., & Toivonen, T. (2021). Comparing spatial data sources for cycling studies: a review. Transport in Human Scale Cities.
[O9] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Sagaris, L. (2021). Towards transport justice in the Global South: Using PAR to define, evaluate and monitor progress in Chile. Planning For Just Transport, Progressive City. Available at: https://www.progressivecity.net/single-post/towards-transport-justice-in-the-global-south
[O8] Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Mora-Vega, R. (2021). Reclaiming streets from cars: towards a fairer road space distribution in Latin America. Planning For Just Transport, Progressive City. Available at: https://www.progressivecity.net/single-post/reclaiming-streets-from-cars-towards-a-fairer-road-space-distribution-in-latin-america
[O7] Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Steiniger, S. (2020). Vulnerable individuals and institutions: the double territorial burden of COVID-19 in Chile. Town Planning Review, 91(6), 1-7. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3828/tpr.2020.65
[O6] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C., Iglesias, I. & Giraldez, F. (2019). Las inequidades de la movilidad urbana: Brechas entre los grupos socioeconómicos en Santiago de Chile. Documento para Política Pública Nº1. Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable.
[O5] Sagaris, L., Rivera, M., Zamorano, N., Cancino, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Oliva, I. & Lanfranco, D. (2018). Ella se mueve segura: mujeres y transporte. Santiago, Chile (March 2018). FIA Foundation. Available at: https://www.fiafoundation.org/resources/ella-se-mueve-segura-she-moves-safely
[O4] Soza-Parra, J., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Cox, T., Sánchez, R. & Navas, C. (2017). ¿Cuál es el impacto de nueva infraestructura de transporte en términos de accesibilidad? Un enfoque basado en la plataforma web CoAXs, aplicado a Santiago de Chile. Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte (CCHIT). La Serena, Chile. Available at: http://docdro.id/w9cJWH1
[O3] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2017). Un nuevo enfoque para medir equidad en la distribución del acceso mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del entorno urbano y el nivel de servicio. Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte (CCHIT). La Serena, Chile. Available at: http://docdro.id/EupfIHX
[O2] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Hidalgo, X. (2017). Diseño de un curso capstone de Ingeniería de Transporte: Incorporando competencias transversales y una mirada multidisciplinar. Congreso SOCHEDI 2017. Santiago, Chile.
[O1] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J. C. & Hurtubia, R. (2016). Accesibilidad mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del nivel de servicio. Memorias del XIX Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística, Ciudad de México, 28 -30 de Septiembre. Available at: http://docdro.id/oHlmvz5
Since 2016, I have had the opportunity to present my research in 10 different countries. Some of the most relevant conferences are highlighted on this map.
You can find the full list below.
[T32] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Khachatryan, A., Voorheis, P., Widener, M., & Silver, M. (2023). Active Travel Among Older Adults in Suburban Contexts: A Mixed-Methods Approach. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference. Chicago, US.
[T31] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Palm, M. & Farber, S. (2023). After COVID ends, will you continue riding transit? Motives behind prospective public transport use in Canada. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR). Montréal, Canada.
[T30] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Yin, Z. & Farber, S. (2023). Towards sustainable neighborhoods? Heterogeneous transport priorities among suburban Scarborough residents. NECTAR Cluster 6-7 Workshop – Sustainable neighborhoods: Urban and transport planning for sustainable urban living. Coimbra, Portugal.
[T29] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Palm, M. & Farber, S. (2023). Time poverty in transport research: A conceptual framework and exploration of the Canadian context. American Association of Geographers (AAG) 2023. Denver, US.
[T28] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Transport priorities in Scarborough: Evidence and challenges. Climate and Equity Workshop, Mobility Network, University of Toronto.
[T27] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2022). Planning for accessibility: the divide between urban mobility policy and socially-oriented research. Citizens on the Move: Accessibility and Mobility in the Global South. International Online Conference.
[T26] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Palm, M. & Farber, S. (2022). Time poverty in transport research: A conceptual framework, metrics, and policies for achieving transport justice. NECTAR XVI International Conference – Mobilizing Justice: Moving Toward Action for an Equitable Transportation Future.
[T25] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Palm, M. (2022). Closing session: Wrap up. Summer School Mobility Network Summer School: Planning More Equitable Transportation Systems. NECTAR XVI International Conference – Mobilizing Justice: Moving Toward Action for an Equitable Transportation Future.
[T24] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R (2021). Freedom of choice? Social and spatial disparities on combined housing and transport affordability. Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte (CCHIT).
[T23] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2021). Public transport accessibility accounting for level of service and competition for urban opportunities: An equity analysis for education in Santiago, Chile. Conference to Advance Transportation Equity (Transportation Research Board, TRB). September, 2021.
[T22] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R (2021). Freedom of choice? Social and spatial disparities on combined housing and transport affordability. World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR). August, 2021.
[T21] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2020). Unequal access to education: An interdisciplinary approach from the transport geography and social integration. International Conference “Development and Social Cohesion”. Center for Conflict Studies and Social Cohesion (COES) and the Millennium Nucleus in Social Development (DESOC).
[T20] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Vecchio, G., Astroza, S. & Carrasco, J.A. (2020). Economy and mobility of care: Gender gaps and inequality in the city before and during the pandemic. International Conference “Development and Social Cohesion”. Center for Conflict Studies and Social Cohesion (COES) and the Millennium Nucleus in Social Development (DESOC).
[T19] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R (2020). Freedom of choice? Housing and transport affordability issues in Santiago de Chile. International Conference “Development and Social Cohesion”. Center for Conflict Studies and Social Cohesion (COES) and the Millennium Nucleus in Social Development (DESOC).
[T18] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Sagaris, L. (2019). El rol del género dentro de la sustentabilidad social de las ciudades: El caso de Santiago de Chile. Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte (CCHIT). Santiago, Chile.
[T17] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R (2019). Exploring the use of qualitative data to enhance the understanding of accessibility through public transport. NECTAR XV International Conference: “Towards Human Scale Cities: Open and Happy”. Helsinki, Finland.
[T16] Iglesias, V., Giraldez, F., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Muñoz, J.C. (2019). How uneven is the playing field? An analysis of transport-related inequalities among socioeconomic groups in Santiago, Chile. Environmental Justice Poster Session. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting.
[T15] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C., Hurtubia, R. & Sagaris, L. (2018). Justicia en el transporte: Una mirada al tema de género, calidad urbana y acceso al transporte público en Santiago de Chile. Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística (PANAM). Medellín, Colombia.
[T14] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Soza-Parra, J., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2018). Closing the gap between perceived and objective accessibility measures: A new approach to measuring public transport accessibility considering comfort, transfers and reliability perception. 7th International Conference on Transport Network Reliability. Sidney, Australia.
[T13] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2018). Urban equity and fairness measured through public transport accessibility and the quality of walking environment: The case of Santiago, Chile. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting. Standing Committee on Pedestrians. Washington, USA.
[T12] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2017). Un nuevo enfoque para medir equidad en la distribución del acceso mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del entorno urbano y el nivel de servicio. Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte (CCHIT). La Serena, Chile.
[T11] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Soza-Parra, J. & Cox, T. (2017). ¿Cuál es el impacto de nueva infraestructura de transporte en términos de accesibilidad? Un enfoque basado en la plataforma web CoAXs, aplicado a Santiago de Chile. Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte (CCHIT). La Serena, Chile.
[T10] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Hidalgo, X. (2017). Diseño de un curso capstone de Ingeniería de Transporte: Incorporando competencias transversales y una mirada multidisciplinar. Congreso SOCHEDI 2017. Santiago, Chile.
[T9] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2017). Justicia y equidad urbana: El caso de Santiago de Chile. Abertis Seminar. Santiago, Chile.
[T8] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Soza-Parra, J. & Cox, T. (2017). Encouraging improvements in the transport planning process through CoAXs. International Seminar For Engineering Leaders. Santiago, Chile.
[T7] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Soza-Parra, J. (2017). ¿Puede una herramienta de visualización fomentar mejoras en el proceso de planificación del transporte y uso de suelo?. First Conference on Science and Innovation. Santiago, Chile.
[T6] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2017). A new approach to measure accessibility through public transport: considering the impact of the urban environment and the level of service. NECTAR XIV International Conference. Transport in a Networked Society. Madrid, Spain.
[T5] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2016). Cuan equitativo es el acceso a oportunidades y servicios básicos mediante transporte público, considerando el impacto del nivel de servicio?. Seminario “Interpretando la ciudad y sus movimientos”. Santiago, Chile.
[T4] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2016). Accesibilidad a oportunidades y servicios básicos mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del nivel de servicio. Intersecciones Conference. 2° interdisciplinary conference on architecture, design, city and territory research. Santiago, Chile.
[T3] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2016). Accesibilidad mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del nivel de servicio. Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Transporte y Logística (PANAM). Ciudad de México, México.
[T2] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2016). Accesibilidad a oportunidades y servicios básicos mediante transporte público considerando el impacto del nivel de servicio. Engineering Students Conference UC-USM. Santiago, Chile.
[T1] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Hurtubia, R. & Muñoz, J.C. (2016). Accessibility and equity: The case of Santiago, Chile. Roundtable at International Transport Forum. Income Inequality, Social Inclusion and Mobility, OECD. Paris, France.
[I26] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Mobilizing Justice Partnership. University of São Paulo’s Postgraduate Program in Transport Engineering PPGET – POLI/USP. São Paulo, Brazil.
[I25] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Transport and social equity. Guest Lecture, CIV331 Transport I – Introduction to Urban Transportation Systems, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto.
[I24] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Public transport accessibility, level of service, and equity: A multisource geospatial approach. Presentation at the Institute of Transportation Engineers – University of Toronto Student Chapter.
[I23] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Transport and social equity. Guest Lecture, UBPL 750 – Introduction to transport planning, Urban Planning, University of Kansas.
[I22] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Accessibility Dashboard: A Platform for Transport Equity and Accessibility Analysis. Second Annual Symposium, Mobilizing Justice.
[I21] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Suburban Mobilities Cluster and the Scarborough Survey. Suburban Mobilities Day 2023. Mobility Month, Mobility Network, University of Toronto.
[I20] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). Suburban Mobilities Cluster. Jackman Scholars-in-Residence Program 2023. Research Pathways: Clusters of Scholarly Prominence Program (CSPP), University of Toronto Scarborough.
[I19] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2023). ‘I don’t have enough time’: The relationship between transportation and time poverty (Part I). 2023 University of Toronto Scarborough Postdoc Palooza Research Day.
[I18] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Palm, M. (2023). Time poverty in transport research: A conceptual framework, metrics, and policies for achieving transport justice. Postdoc research seminar, School of Cities, University of Toronto.
[I17] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Soukhov, A. (2022). Equity and justice conceptualizations, dimensions and standards for urban transportation planning: a scoping review. Session B: Theory and Applications Towards Data-Driven Standards. First Annual Symposium, Mobilizing Justice.
[I16] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Vecchio. G. (2022). Transport equity: addressing accessibility on the urban fringes in Latin America. Brown Bag Lunch, World Bank.
[I15] Tiznado-Aitken, I (2022). Equidad en el acceso a oportunidades urbanas: un enfoque de métodos mixtos. Presentación a Alumnos del Programa de Doctorado de Transporte y Sociedad, Universidad de Chile (June, 2022).
[I14] Tiznado-Aitken, I (2022). Hacia un transporte equitativo e inclusivo: definiciones, indicadores y propuestas de política pública. Presentación Magistral en Primer Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Transporte – CIITVIAL 2022, Perú (May, 2022).
[I13] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Bortolussi, I., Taneja, A. & Palm, M. (2022). After COVID ends, will you continue riding transit? Motives behind prospective public transport use in Canada. What comes next? Equity and transportation during and after COVID-19. Mobilizing Justice Network. (May 2022)
[I12] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Vecchio. G. (2022). Transporte y equidad: abordando la accesibilidad en los márgenes urbanos. Presentación y panel final Proyecto CODS. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IJb3Tpxh6c&ab_channel=CENTROODS
[I11] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2022). Suburban Mobilities Cluster. Jackman Scholars-in-Residence Program 2022. Research Pathways: Clusters of Scholarly Prominence Program (CSPP), University of Toronto Scarborough.
[I10] Tiznado-Aitken, I (2021). ¿Transporte justo? Estrés económico e inequidad en el acceso a oportunidades. VIII Encuentro Internacional de Innovación Tecnológica, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña, Colombia (October, 2021).
[I9] Tiznado-Aitken, I (2021). ¿Transporte justo? Estrés económico e inequidad en el acceso a oportunidades. Presentación Magistral en Congreso Nacional de Geomática, Infraestructura vial y transporte – CONGEVIT, Perú (September, 2021).
[I8] Tiznado-Aitken, I (2021). ¿Transporte justo? Estrés económico e inequidad en el acceso a oportunidades. Presentación en Seminario MOVUS-LAB (Movilidad Urbana Sostenible), Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Perú (June, 2021).
[I7] Tiznado-Aitken (2021). Métodos mixtos, participación e interdisciplina. Charla Curso SUS2041 – Investigación-Acción: métodos para entender territorios en transformación, Instituto de Sustentabilidad, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. April, 2021.
[I6] Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2021). Impactos de la movilidad urbana en la sustentabilidad de las ciudades. Charla Curso de Sustentabilidad Urbana, Universidad Mayor, Chile. November, 2020.
[I5] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Sagaris, L. (2019). El rol del género dentro de la sustentabilidad social de las ciudades: El caso de Santiago de Chile. Charla Curso Género y Ciudad, Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales (IEUT), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
[I4] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C., Hurtubia, R. & Sagaris, L. (2019). Transporte justo: El rol del acceso, género e inclusión. XXXIV Semana de la Empresa: La participación de las mujeres en el liderazgo empresarial y la movilidad. Tenerife, Spain.
[I3] Iglesias, V., Giraldez, F., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Muñoz, J.C. (2019). How uneven is the urban mobility playing field? Inequalities among socioeconomic groups in Santiago de Chile. BRT+ Centre of Excellence General Assembly. Washington, USA.
[I2] Tiznado-Aitken, I., Muñoz, J.C., Hurtubia, R. & Sagaris, L. (2018). Transport Justice: Insights and challenges. BRT+ Centre of Excellence General Assembly. Washington, USA.
[I1] Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Oliva, I. (2017). Ella se mueve segura: metodología del estudio cuantitativo en Santiago. International seminar “Ella se Mueve Segura: Mujer, Seguridad y Transporte Público”. Metropolitan Region Government. Santiago, Chile.
Partnered projects

I have participated in multiple partnered projects with public institutions and NGOs in North and South America. They address:
- Cycling-related projects, such as cycling surveys, bike-share system analyses, and delivery work regulation
- Transport and housing dynamics, such as affordability trade-offs and neighborhood completeness
- Public transport systems, particularly their economic, environmental, health, social, and community benefits
- Web-based tool to incorporate equity considerations into transport decision-making
- Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs), particularly SDG 11 in Latin American contexts

Vai Longe – Tembici’s project acceleration program
(June 2023 to date)
Through a comparative study of Latin American cities, this project analyzes the relationship between the emergence of bike-sharing in cities where Tembici operates, both with open and GPS data from onboard smart sensors and consolidated data on road safety and the expansion of infrastructure for cyclists.
- Partner: Funded by Tembici and their program for project acceleration (7000 CAD)
- Role: Co-lead with a team based at the University of Sao Paulo (Mateus Humberto) and Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (Giovanni Vecchio)
Neighborhood completeness, housing and quality of life
(October 2022 to March 2024)
This project intends to explore spatial, socioeconomic, and demographic inequities in access to opportunities and amenities in suburban neighborhoods, particularly in the Scarborough area, and its effects on well-being. Findings could help explore concrete ways of improving the quality of life in racialized neighborhoods, particularly through the National Housing Strategy.
- Partner: Funded by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) (20,000 CAD) and the Suburban Mobilities Cluster.
- Role: Co-lead with a team based at UofT (Steven Farber, Christopher Higgins, Shaila Jamal, Joao Parga and Anton Yu)

Neighborhood completeness, housing and quality of life
(October 2022 to March 2024)
This project intends to explore spatial, socioeconomic, and demographic inequities in access to opportunities and amenities in suburban neighborhoods, particularly in the Scarborough area, and its effects on well-being. Findings could help explore concrete ways of improving the quality of life in racialized neighborhoods, particularly through the National Housing Strategy.
- Partner: Funded by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) (20,000 CAD) and the Suburban Mobilities Cluster.
- Role: Co-lead with a team based at UofT (Steven Farber, Christopher Higgins, Shaila Jamal, Joao Parga and Anton Yu)

Evaluating Urban Transport Equity using Big and Small Data
(February 2022 to April 2023)
International collaboration among Utrecht University, Beijing Normal University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and University of Toronto. This project uses survey data to examine the perceived experience of transport inequality for suburban residents in the four cities. This study provides a unique opportunity for an international comparative study.
- Funding: Strategic Partnership Award for Research Collaboration (SPARC) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (20,000 USD)
- Role: Member of the University of Toronto research team
- Researchers involved: Steven Farber and Eric Miller (UofT), Dick Ettema and Dea van Lierop (Utrecht University), Sui Tao (Beijing University) and Sylvia He (CUHK)

Mobilizing Justice Partnership
Activity 2: Data-driven equity standards
(June 2021 to date)
Mobilizing Justice is an unprecedented multidisciplinary and multi-sector partnership seeking to solve transportation poverty problems in Canadian cities. Activity 2 will develop, analyse, and compare equity standards rooted in transport justice’s frameworks. More info at: https://mobilizingjustice.ca/a2%3A-data-driven-standards
- Funded by the Partnership Grants of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Council of Canada (500,000 CAD per year)
- Role: Research contributor
- Researchers involved: Antonio Páez (McMaster University) and Michael Hain (City of Toronto) as academic leads. Also, Anastasia Soukhov (PhD Student, McMaster University), Steven Farber and Matthew Palm.
Mobilizing Justice Partnership
Activity 2: Data-driven equity standards
(June 2021 to date)
Mobilizing Justice is an unprecedented multidisciplinary and multi-sector partnership seeking to solve transportation poverty problems in Canadian cities. Activity 2 will develop, analyse, and compare equity standards rooted in transport justice’s frameworks. More info at: https://mobilizingjustice.ca/a2%3A-data-driven-standards
- Funded by the Partnership Grants of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Council of Canada (500,000 CAD per year)
- Role: Research contributor
- Researchers involved: Antonio Páez (McMaster University) and Michael Hain (City of Toronto) as academic leads. Also, Anastasia Soukhov (PhD Student, McMaster University), Steven Farber and Matthew Palm.

Equity-scoring tool (City of Toronto)
(May 2021 to July 2022)
This project stems from a research partnership between the Transportation Services Division and the University of Toronto. The project’s main goal was to design and build a web-based tool capable of measuring the social equity performance of capital infrastructure projects delivered across the city managed by the Transportation Services Division. The main purpose of the tool was to provide a quantitative indication of how different programs are impacting equity-seeking groups.
- Funding: City of Toronto, Transportation Services Division
- Role: Member of the University of Toronto consultant team
- Researcher involved: Steven Farber, Kamille LeClair, and Willem Klumpenhouwer
Regulation of delivery apps market:
Labor, economic, social, and urban aspects
(March 2021 to March 2022)
The project seeks to identify mechanisms that allow maintaining the labor flexibility of the industry while reducing job precariousness, reducing negative externalities, and achieving a more sustainable integration in the city.
- Funding: Centre of Public Policy, PUC
- Role: Co-leader
- Researchers involved: Juan Carlos Muñoz, Ricardo Hurtubia, Martín Tironi and Miguel Yaksic

Regulation of delivery apps market:
Labor, economic, social, and urban aspects
(March 2021 to March 2022)
The project seeks to identify mechanisms that allow maintaining the labor flexibility of the industry while reducing job precariousness, reducing negative externalities, and achieving a more sustainable integration in the city.
- Funding: Centre of Public Policy, PUC
- Role: Co-leader
- Researchers involved: Ricardo Hurtubia, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Martín Tironi and Miguel Yaksic

Transport equity: Adressing accessibility in urban margins
(October 2019 to December 2021)
Interdisciplinary project which aims to define policy guidelines to guarantee a just and sustainable accessibility in the peripheral and periurban/suburban margins of 3 metropolises in Latin America: Bogotá, Santiago, and São Paulo.
- Funding: Center for Sustainable Development Goals in Latin America (CODS)
- Role: Administrative/operational co-leader
- Researchers involved: Juan Carlos Muñoz (project leader), Giovanni Vecchio (co-leader), Eduardo Vasconcellos, Julián Arellana and Luis Ángel Guzmán
Transport Justice Balance Sheet
(August 2017 to July 2020)
Interdisciplinary project which aims to carry out a balance sheet of transport justice in two Chilean cities (Santiago and Temuco) through objective indicators and targets in terms of accessibility, affordability, social inclusion, gender, health, land use, among others.
- Funding: Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS) and Centre of Excellence of Bus Rapid Transit (CoE BRT+)
- Role: Leader of the theoretical/conceptual framework of the project and co-leader of the quantitative strand (surveys and statistical analysis)
- Researchers involved: Lake Sagaris (project leader) and the Social Change Laboratory

Transport Justice Balance Sheet
(August 2017 to July 2020)
Interdisciplinary project which aims to carry out a balance sheet of transport justice in two Chilean cities (Santiago and Temuco) through objective indicators and targets in terms of accessibility, affordability, social inclusion, gender, health, land use, among others.
- Funding: Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS) and Centre of Excellence of Bus Rapid Transit (CoE BRT+)
- Role: Leader of the theoretical/conceptual framework of the project and co-leader of the quantitative strand (surveys and statistical analysis)
- Researchers involved: Lake Sagaris (project leader) and the Social Change Laboratory

CoAXs platform in Santiago and Concepción, Chile
(January 2017 to December 2018)
Two collaborative research projects among PUC, UdeC and MIT extending and applying CoAXs platform through data processing and stakeholder workshops in Chile.
- Role: Co-leader (Santiago) and International PhD student (Concepción)
- Researchers involved: Juan Carlos Muñoz, Jaime Soza-Parra, Patricia Galilea (PUC), Christopher Zegras, Anson Stewart, Christian Navas, Ricardo Sánchez (MIT) and J. Antonio Carrasco (UdeC)
‘She moves safely’ (Safe and Sound Project)
(September 2016 to December 2017)
International study (Buenos Aires, Quito, and Santiago) on women, safety, and public transport, led by Heather Allen (‘Remarkable Women in Transport’ 2019)
- Funding: FIA Foundation and CAF, the development bank of Latin America.
- Role: Co-leader of secondary data analysis and survey-based quantitative study in Santiago, Chile, working in an interdisciplinary group
- Researchers involved: Leda Pereyra (Buenos Aires), Lake Sagaris (Santiago) and Galo Cárdenas (Quito), who lead research teams in each city

‘She moves safely’ (Safe and Sound Project)
(September 2016 to December 2017)
International study (Buenos Aires, Quito, and Santiago) on women, safety, and public transport, led by Heather Allen (‘Remarkable Women in Transport’ 2019)
- Funding: FIA Foundation and CAF, the development bank of Latin America.
- Role: Co-leader of secondary data analysis and survey-based quantitative study in Santiago, Chile, working in an interdisciplinary group
- Researchers involved: Leda Pereyra (Buenos Aires), Lake Sagaris (Santiago) and Galo Cárdenas (Quito), who lead research teams in each city

AccesoBarrio (Fondecyt Project)
(March 2015 to March 2019)
FONDECYT Project N° 1150239 AccesoBarrio, a web-based platform to evaluate and modeling urban accessibility.
- Funding: National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development in Chile (ANID – FONDECYT program
- Role: Ph.D. Researcher, contributing to the statistical analysis from Santiago’s origin-destination survey, accessibility models, and indicators.
- Researchers involved: Stefan Steiniger (project leader)
Get in touch!
- i.tiznadoaitken@utoronto.ca
- 100 St George St, Toronto